Tips to Get Rid of the Blocked Drains in Your House

Blocked drains are one of the most common issues that you can face in your home. Sometime the blocked drain issue could become grave, and in such a scenario, you must hire a plumber. If there is any clogged area at the underneath level, you need to excavate your outdoor area to repair your plumbing channels. It will be an expensive deal, and you may need to change the plumbing lines with new PVC pipes. But if the issues are minor, then you can use some DIY tools to clear them. In this, we will be highlighting some of the DIYs that will help you get rid of blocked drains.

Clean Your Blocked Drains With DIY Tools:

1. Boiling Water

If you find your sink overflowing, you can pour a pot of boiling water into your drain. It can loosen or remove the grease and oils from your drainpipes. But if you have metal or ceramic pipes, you can only pour hot water into your pipelines. If you have PVC or plastic pipes, you cannot use boiled water to clean your drain. For cleaning PVC pipes, you can use warm water. Grease and food particles can block your drain, and you can remove such particles from your drains by pouring hot water.

2. Natural Cleaners

It is suggested to avoid harmful chemicals for cleaning the drain because they can create health hazards. They can even contaminate your drinking water. In this case, you can use DIY cleaners. You can mix baking soda with vinegar to make a cleaner. Cover the drain and pour this mixture into your drain. The mixture of soda and vinegar will create oxygen; they can clean the clogs from your drain. You need to repeat this process two to three times. Once you remove such clogs from your drain, you need to flush your pipes with hot water.

3. Hydro-Jet

Sometimes, you need to use a hydro jet to clean your drain. It is known as the pressure cleaning process. You can use a hydro jet to flush out the deposited waste from your drains. But it is not a good idea to buy a hydro jet for your domestic cleaning because you need this tool occasionally. You can hire a plumber to clean your drains, and you do not need to invest any additional amounts for buying these cleaning tools.

Things to Follow While Cleaning Blocked Drains:

Cleaning a clogged toilet is the most difficult thing, and if you intend to take on this task, you must follow certain protocols.

1. If you want to clean your clogged toilet, you must cover your bathroom's spouts, and then you can use a plunger to clean your toilet.

2. Make sure you should not push the plunger toward the drain, and you must plug out the deposited garbage from the drain with a plunger.

3. You can remove the solid waste from your drains and sewage system with a plunger. But you cannot clean the grease and mineral build-up from your drains with a plunger.

4. Before you clean your blocked drains, you need to identify the clogged area. In this regard, you can hire professional plumbers to use their CCTVs. They can use a snake and CCTV to locate the clogged area. If you do not have such CCTVs, you can buy a snake from your nearest hardware store to clean the drain.

This was some basic information about a blocked drain, ensuring you follow basic drain cleaning yourself. In case of blocked drains becoming a regular affair, you must contact a professional and experienced plumber.

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